Protect Your Money With Federal Trade Commission and Military Consumer Tools
There are many factors that make service members attractive to scam artists. Repeated moves, a stable paycheck and time apart from family can make you a prime target. Military Consumer can help protect you. This joint initiative, which the Federal Trade Commission, or FTC, worked with the Department of Defense and other collaborators to create, empowers active and retired service members, veterans, military families and civilians in the military community through money management and protection resources.
Military Consumer presents actionable information about financial categories: Earn, Spend, Borrow, Save & Invest, Protect and Scam Alerts. It provides the information and resources you need to make informed financial decisions about life events including unforeseen emergencies and the financial difficulties that can arise from them.
The FTC and its Military Consumer partners understand that schemes against service members can affect military and troop morale. Their efforts include Military Consumer Month, an annual month long recognition of military consumers that kicks off on July 1.
The FTC provides valuable tools to protect you against fraudulent, deceptive and unfair business practices. It works to strengthen the military community by providing helpful resources, including how to file a consumer complaint, access a free credit report, report identity theft and register for the National Do Not Call Registry.
Let Military Consumer, the FTC and the Office of Financial Readiness help you protect against fraud and increase your financial fitness this Military Consumer Month and throughout the entire year. Follow FINRED on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for financial tools and look for more on YouTube and the FINRED blog.